Research Centre

International Centre for Indoor Environment and Energy

Fire personer iført åndedrætsmasker, mens de betragter en lille tabletenhed i et forseglet kammer.

We conduct research on the development of design criteria and technical solutions to ensure the best possible indoor environment for people with lowest possible energy use

We spend most of our lives indoors, and the indoor environment has a significant impact on our health and well-being.
Poor quality of air, light, and sound indoors can cause poor well-being and illness and have major economic consequences
in form of lost productivity in workplaces and educational institutions. 

Our research focuses on people and their health, comfort, and performance when exposed to the indoor environment in our
homes, at work, in schools, during transportation, etc. We need more knowledge on, how different indoor environment conditions
– including heat, air, light, and sound – affect people’s well-being overall.

We perform extensive studies, both under well-controlled conditions in the laboratory and in the field, to characterize different
indoor environments and their impact on humans. Based on these insights, we develop heating, ventilation, and cooling systems
to condition indoor environments optimal for occupants in new and sustainable ways.

The center for indoor environment has during the last decades held a strong international position as one of the leading research
groups within the field of indoor environment, and our center often serves as a hub for international researchers. 

We have a strong collaboration with industry, both for the exchange of knowledge and for the development of new technologies.
We have a unique and internationally known research infrastructure comprised of climate chambers, field laboratories, and equipment
for accurately measuring the parameters of the indoor climate.

Industrial Partners / Sponsors / Collaborators

The International Centre for Indoor Environment and Energy would not function without its partners who help secure our research

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